Overview of the programme

A 2-Year International Initiative

This a 2-year international initiative to enhance the understanding of the significance of Japan-South Korea relations. Rather than focusing on the challenges particular to bilateral relationship, such as those rooted in the colonial and war periods, this project sets Japan and South Korea in a wider international context, as the two countries’ domestic and external politics are inextricably linked (politically, economically and militarily) to and influenced by the vicissitude of China–US relations.

The interest of this project is to give greater attention to the interaction between Korea’s and Japan’s relations with both China and the US in order to shed light to the spill-over effect of China-US relations on Japan-South Korea relations and beyond. It is an exercise in reappraising America’s hub-and-spokes system in the context of changing power dynamics from the China challenge to underline the importance Korea-Japan relations in the international politics of Asia.

Korea and Japan in the Evolving China-US Relations

Project Managers

  • Haruko Satoh (Principle Investigator; IRC)
  • Jaewoo Choo (Kyunghee University)
  • Project members:
  • Brendan Howe (Ewha Women’s University)
  • Kei Koga (Nanyang Technological University)
  • Mingjiang Li (Nanyang Technological University)
  • June Park (National Research Institute)
  • Xiangfeng Yang (Yonsei University)
  • Project assistant:
  • Carmina Untalan (IRC)

Project Assistant

  • Carmina Untalan (IRC)

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